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Young Swedish Design 2024-2026, Svensk Form, 2024

Ung Svensk Form is a jury selected, annual touring exhibition and arena for young design. The project was initiated in 1998 with the aim of increasing the knowledge and widening the scope of new, innovative Swedish design; helping it to rech new audiences.

The assignment from the founder Svensk Form, the producer Dunkers Kulturhus and the main sponsor Svenskt trä (Swedish Wood) was to create a mobile exhibition concept that could host the project’s selected entries for the upcoming three editions. It had to have great spatial flexibility given the various conditions on the different venues along the tour. There was also a strong wish for a concept that could carry the message of the project in a broader sense and help create visibility on various media platforms.

It became an interesting challenge to design something for such a long time span, for objects that are not yet existing and for venues not yet decided.
The result is named ’Årsringar’ (Annual Rings). A library of podiums in different sizes were created. They all stack in to eachother generating a very compact design during transport and allowing great flexibility depending on location and exhibited objects when being built.
A gentle sprinkle of grey paint decorate the fir wood display. The technique is inspired by traditional paint work in rural Swedish wooden architecture where it was used to upgrade the value of simple building materials.
Each year a new sprinkle in a new colour will be added to maintain, renovate and develop the exhibition design. Layer upon layer. Generation after generation. A maturing expression. Like annual rings on a tree log. 
