Truck, Sundlings, 2015
The idea for the Truck shelf is sprung out of a personal need and a slight obsession on designing different kinds of book storing. It's a product I, despite our new technological age, find central for creating the right atmosphere in a room. I want my books available around me and at the same time I am not that convinced of the huge piles on my coffee table and elsewhere around at home or in my studio.
I therefore designed ”Truck” as a small mobile book case that allow the books to come to you instead of vice versa. It is a mobile library for the home that can usefully be parked casually here and there in a room.
The design is very honest and constructive in its ambition to be a tool for carrying and supporting but it also puts a great deal of attention to the small details in the design. Inspired by a Japanese enamel pot I once used, the handles are rotated 45 degrees to provide a convenient grip when rolling the shelf on its small wooden wheels.